Sunday, July 15, 2007

Exams Khattam !!!1111 xD

hello people out there..

Hmmm...4th sem, exams are over... after staying in a "cell" (read hostel room) for a month, hardly eating anything (who wanna eat the mess food :/ )... here I am back to my home, eating 'mummeee ke haath ka khana', my lappy -windows +linux fedora and ofcourse my brother who is still in a jetlag (it's been a month now :P)... exams went good, papers were quite easy... easily crackable...

The first thing I did after coming here was unistall Quake 3 and Counter-Strike (*sob* *sob*)... I just felt that i was spending too much of time on game playing... But Q3, i really love it :_) may be ill start gaming after a few more years.....

Alright.. Lets take a look at our menu of the mess
& more..

A first look makes you think that the items sound as if all famous sportstars combine and open a restaurant and give wierd names to the common food. Like in Tendulkar's hotel in Mumbai "clean bold" would be vodka-cocktail or "duck-out" would be what they call for mineral water, who don't wanna get high in his restaurant's alco-bevs and start playing cricket after gettin out of the hotel..

okie.. ** football(s) don't think that they cook footballs in huge steam cookers and serve them with "garlic chutney"(well, they say its coconut chutney i can never find any coconut)...
**footballs==idlis :/ they are huge heavy and they knock you off after they get "on" your head... :P

**head-shot: no,no i am not speaking about counter strike here..
head-shot==dosas yes eat 2 dosas in the morning and you won't wake up till late afternoon.. many boozers here have stopped drinking as
1. they save money on booze..
2. head-shots are legal in the campus..
3. One can have infinitely many of one asks..
and cook doesn't eat his food :/
The cook actually is a drunkard who starts his day by pouring half-a-bottle of some desi tharra(alcohol) into his tea mug.. he puts either no salt or excess of salt or excess of spice which burns a hole in your tounge or absolutely no spice...
One day in the mess he cooked a never before seen-heard receipe... whole "brinjal-di-bhaaji".... i mean WHOLE brinjals guys .. He keeps experimenting and we all are kinda 'lab rats'..
I just felt "hey. just send this guy to Afghanistan" because the Talibans would capture them and he can cook em' some 'Opium-di-bhaji' and 'cocaine-afghani pulav' or LSD-ki-chai
(ah..the great Syd Barret)
and those guys would love it for sure. may be he can even learn to fire a shot or two..

okie getting back..
**frisbees: er.. we assumed them to be chapatis but :(
alternative names: maida papads, flying saucers
**hot-lubricant: (named by Aakash ,yes with a double a)
Coffee==hot-lubricant.. 80% of the students use so called coffee to wash their plates. Seriously, i am not kiddin.. It cleans your plate, makes it new.. we use plates instead of mirrors :PP
the other 20% are either some mental retards or very close to the cook :/

well, the thing is the college administration has got all the money to hire a five-star chef but the ***** never do that :/ food is very vital, my mind doesnt run without proper food. when i was 3rd sem i was in medical mess and we always saw the engineering mess "cook" in medical mess to have his lunch :/

okie..back home a month off what to do? many things are to be done like
*eat again

*work on Linux/Unix
*writing a code to accomplish a higly complex graph theory and Combinatorial problem.
* learn how to open a can of corns ..
etc etc etc

I love to code, even though I am just learning still..... well, i always think that |GOD| is a programmer too.. look before there were galaxies,planets etc..there was god, with the his laptop somewhere in space and ofcourse a coffee mug.... i can't code without sipping gives you a jumpstart..ok, god+his lappy +his coffee...he writes code for the "big-bang" theory...keeps on writing and writing and writing, no sleep nothing (like typical programmers 0:) ) he writes code for the binbang..galaxies moving away, scattering and accumulation of mass, planet forming, life, evolution for say a few billion years (if you consider the Twin paradox,it may take less time :p )
finally he creates the final step.. Adam & Eve...

Adam says, "madam I am Adam" (madamiamadam is a Palindrome :P ) then God rests for a while leaving things to Adam and Eve... God sleeps, rests his mind for a while...
meantime, Adam and Eve kept fooling around the trees (singing a bollywood song?? naaa)
and later they came to know they can do much more than that :P
after the Original Sin, things grew at the rate of θ(2n) yea exponential, it grows astronomically large for small values of n ... then different species evolved, human beings became intelligent, they invented things, they became wicked cruel and whatnot...

All these human beings are like interrupts ..a few BILLION does God handle em..look take up 8086 has got 256 interrupts in total... God must be having huge databases containing Interrupt Vector Table of all people in his backyard,the systems must be roaring out there, making noises. So, GoD must have put all those servers into something like an Apple iCube :P .. GoD must have created such a technology out "there" where things come in small packages...or he may have these automated systems to automatically handle "minor" interrupts... major interrupts like when we pray from our Heart, has the highest priority of all interrupts..that is when GoD looks onto his lappy and finds the history of that person and writes an instantaneous code to solve the current problem like the interrupt may be accepted or rejected :)

All Interrupt Service Routines generated have log files (like paap ka gadha) where all the exceptions,errors are written and GoD takes a look at all these log files very frequently and types a command to take appropriate action ...

okie,okie I am not high on hash or weed..but this is what I feel..something like the Matrix (I have watched it 20 times, need to watch it once more tomorrow :O )

meantime its been 5 months i last got a haircut.. people have already started keeping names like one guy calls me 'scientist' or 'sai-baba' (lol) ... sure if i just wear those 'designer kurtas' with om all over it like the foreigners do it (hare krishna hare ram people) , wear predator goggles speak in a firangi accent with a pipe in mouth, no one can identify me hehe :P

al right people time to all take care...remember
"eat spagetti with your spoon and do homework in the dark"
ciao :D


Prashanth said...

I like your writing style, it is too good.
The way you have taken the thread is wonderful

Prashanth said...

I like your writing style, it is too good.
The way you have taken the thread is wonderful